Catholic Priest Speaks up for “Modern Slaves”
Migrant workers are pretty much invisable in German society. The trade unions show little interest in their situation. So their bosses get away with breakting the German labour law. The catholic priest Peter Kossen is known to speak up for the modern slaves in German society. He takes part in protests against the exploiters in the meat-industry or parcel delivery branch.
In his sermon on december 25th in the church St. Margareta in Lengerich he spoke about the situation of migrant workers. The sermon was broadcasted on the radio.
“I have a lot of contact with Romanians and Bulgarians who are worn out as modern slaves in the meat industry, as parcel couriers or in the building industry. In our country, they are also victims of human trafficking, hired for hard and dirty labour, used, consumed and then disposed of – like machine scrap: their royal dignity ends up in the rubbish.
I find it more than disgraceful when politicians think they can profiteer here – against humanity and against human dignity. And it’s not just those on the political fringes; you’d expect nothing less from them. I see leading people in the CDU/CSU (Christian Democatic Party) and the FDP (Liberal Party) positioning themselves in this way.
And to go further: how hypocritical is it when German society gladly and naturally accepts dirty and hard labour from migrants in many services and then accuses the same people of a lack of integration?
I know from working with the modern slaves of the meat industry and parcel services that if you work six days a week and eleven hours a day, you will not learn German afterwards.”